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Hauts Grades Academy Overview

HGA Graduate AwardA man’s journey through the Scottish Rite, NMJ is marked by our degrees where the secrets of our Craft are bestowed in order to create better men and a better world. It is through the study of the 29 degrees of the Scottish Rite, NMJ that men find the light they seek to continue their quest for self-improvement.

Hauts Grades Academy is a program designed to promote the education, knowledge, and engagement of members in the Scottish Rite, NMJ through in-depth study and reflection of our 29 degrees. The Scottish Rite was known as the Hauts Grades in its early beginnings.

The program is made up of three exciting levels:

Level One – The candidate will delve into the ritual of all 29 Scottish Rite, NMJ degrees.

Level Two – The essay portion of the curriculum will allow for self-reflection and review of Scottish Rite degrees selected personally by the candidate.

Level Three – A written research paper on a topic of the candidate’s choice, which will be pre-approved and reviewed by the HGA committee. Research topics can vary between history, ritual, and the philosophy of the Scottish Rite.

At full completion, the graduate will earn the honor of becoming a Scottish Rite Hauts Grades Academic and will be entitled to include the letters HGA after his name. A certificate and HGA jewel will also be awarded upon completion, but an enriching educational experience is the overall goal.

For a more comprehensive curriculum overview, please visit the Membership & Education section of our Leadership Resource Center or Member Center to download the HGA Member Guide.


Program Administration & Registration

The HGA curriculum is designed, and the program will be administered by:

  • Yasser Al-Khatib, 33°, MSA, HGA, Valley of Philadelphia, Chairman
  • Mohamad A. Yatim, 33°, MSA, HGA, Valley of Northern New Jersey
  • E. Oscar Alleyne, 33°, HGA, Valley of the Hudson, New York
  • Conor P. Moran, 32°, HGA, Valley of New York City, New York

Hauts Grades Academy is free to all Scottish Rite, NMJ members in good standing. New registration will open as soon as possible. Join the HGA Wait List to be a part of our next class!

Our HGA Graduates

Timothy Culhane, 33°, HGA


The Involvement and Influence of Saint Johns Lodge No. 1 Providence Free and Accepted Masons in the Burning of H.M.S. Gaspee

Michael Cunningham, 32°, HGA


Are the Core Values of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Compatible with a Theory Associated with Population Genetics?
Edgardo Gabriel Gonzalez-Lopez, 32°, HGA


Can Cybernetics enable the practical application of the Core Values of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Northern Masonic Jurisdiction in daily life?
William Gouge, 32°, HGA


Modern Society Needs Scottish Rite Freemasonry. Why society needs Albert Pike’s moral lessons. A review of how Scottish Rite degrees can apply in Modern Society.